a:9:{s:9:"ipAddress";N;s:9:"uLocation";s:11:"Wheaton, IL";s:9:"uLgcyName";s:17:"Rusty Shackleford";s:6:"uEmail";s:0:"";s:5:"uName";s:17:"Rusty Shackleford";s:10:"reputation";i:4;s:11:"cap630wroos";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"1";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"1";s:4:"food";s:1:"1";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"3853";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:434:"Classic Chicago style food Capri Pizza is NOT. The sauce was lacking in flavor and the crust was soggy. The service was almost as bad as the pizza was itself. I ordered for delivery, and when I told them my address they commented “couldn't you just walk here?” Is that not what I am paying the delivery driver for. I think next time I will try a different pizza place if I am in Wheaton, but Capri Pizza, never again!";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1225902958";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:27;}s:11:"jac221snape";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"5";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"5";s:4:"food";s:1:"5";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"3855";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:269:"Jack Straw's Pizza is the best pizza I have eaten outside of the city of Chicago. No place else in Wheaton even comes close. Best two hang out spots in Wheaton, IL 60187: Jack Straw's Pizza and the Popcorn Shop! Jack Straw's Pizza is a must try for any pizza lover.";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1225903230";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:27;}s:11:"nan303smain";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"3";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"3";s:4:"food";s:1:"3";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"3857";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:412:"I saw the sign up for famous stuffed crust pizza. I do not agree. I may be biased against stuffed crust pizza, I feel it is a trick the people of Chicago have pulled on tourists. Real Chicago pizza has a crispy thin crust. The thin crust at Nancy's was not very crispy and the stuffed was as doughy and tasteless as any I have eaten. Maybe if the pizza would have gotten there hot it may have tasted better.";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1225903476";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:27;}}