a:8:{s:4:"init";i:1339183309;s:5:"uName";s:14:"Robert Compton";s:6:"uEmail";s:19:"breglad45@yahoo.com";s:9:"uLocation";s:16:"Blountsville, AL";s:9:"ipAddress";s:11:"";s:3:"mid";s:9:"ASQY4937B";s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:11:"sev917eroos";a:8:{s:3:"phr";s:81:"Menu: unusually creative;Families? Yes;Cost: costly but worth it;Recommended? Yes";s:11:"phraseCodes";s:20:" menu fmly cost rcmd";s:10:"totalScore";d:46;s:6:"rvwTxt";s:408:"OMG, WHAT A PLACE! Never mind \"Dog & Suds, White Castle or even the Fox Valley Inn! Way back in the 50\'s sis and I would SCREAM to go here! I was utterly overjoyed to see it was still there on a trip to IL a couple of years ago - sadly time and funds prevented a visit. I loved the Prince Charming shake and my folks shared a Witche\'s Cauldron I forgot what sis had - none of us could finish them on-site!";s:9:"confirmed";s:2:"no";s:7:"updated";i:1339184087;s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:10:"atmosphere";i:5;}}