a:11:{s:3:"url";s:61:"http://www.eatinwheaton.com/restaurant/Wheaton-IL/Capri-Pizza";s:4:"name";N;s:9:"reviewers";a:3:{i:38425;i:1304022224;i:79265;i:1304022224;i:153904;i:1304022224;}s:11:"starRatings";a:3:{i:38425;i:1304022224;i:79265;i:1304022224;i:153904;i:1304022224;}s:7:"ratings";a:4:{s:3:"agg";s:13:" agg val: 2.5";s:4:"food";d:3.5;s:10:"atmosphere";i:2;s:7:"service";d:2.5;}s:6:"voters";a:4:{s:3:"agg";i:9;s:4:"food";i:3;s:10:"atmosphere";i:3;s:7:"service";i:3;}s:10:"starParams";s:22:"3;6;12;half;whole;half";s:8:"rvwrHTML";s:2766:"
9 ratings for Capri Pizza & Pasta
Average rating of agg val: 2.5 stars (out of 5 possible)
Capri Pizza & Pasta - reviewed by JJPrince from Wheaton on .
Excellent pizza, the best around, and I've had them all. Their beef & pepper pizza
Excellent pizza, the best around, and I've had them all. Their beef & pepper pizza can't be beat. Burgers are the bomb and my wife loves their Greek salad. Very good!!
Rating: 4
Capri Pizza & Pasta - reviewed by Jim Frame from Wheaton on .
They've got the best pizza in town, bar none! One of the few places that have pizz
They've got the best pizza in town, bar none! One of the few places that have pizza by the slice and they deliver during the day for free.
Rating: 3.5
Capri Pizza & Pasta - reviewed by Rusty Shackleford from Wheaton, IL on .
Classic Chicago style food Capri Pizza is NOT. The sauce was lacking in flavor and
Classic Chicago style food Capri Pizza is NOT. The sauce was lacking in flavor and the crust was soggy. The service was almost as bad as the pizza was itself. I ordered for delivery, and when I told them my address they commented “couldn't you just walk here?” Is that not what I am p… Read more
Rating: 1
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