a:10:{s:3:"url";s:73:"http://www.eatinwheaton.com/restaurant/Wheaton-IL/Cock-Robin-Ice-Cream-Co";s:4:"name";N;s:9:"reviewers";a:6:{i:24146;i:1304022225;i:24795;i:1304022225;i:83726;i:1304022225;i:123689;i:1304022225;i:184881;i:1304022225;i:186960;i:1304022225;}s:11:"starRatings";a:10:{i:24146;i:1304022225;i:24795;i:1304022225;i:83726;i:1304022225;i:123689;i:1304022225;i:184881;i:1304022225;i:186960;i:1304022225;s:9:"W6Q5MYURU";i:1327465002;s:9:"3AM6H7683";i:1339369492;s:9:"A8SFZLUGP";i:1369076967;s:9:"NA225ANJR";i:1399762285;}s:7:"ratings";a:4:{s:3:"agg";s:11:" agg val: 4";s:4:"food";i:4;s:10:"atmosphere";d:3.5;s:7:"service";i:4;}s:6:"voters";a:4:{s:3:"agg";i:23;s:4:"food";i:10;s:10:"atmosphere";i:6;s:7:"service";i:7;}s:10:"starParams";s:23:"3;8;13;whole;half;whole";s:8:"rvwrHTML";s:4616:"
18 ratings for Cock Robin Ice Cream
Average rating of 4 stars (out of 5 possible)
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by Mel-Ifer from Kailua kona Hawaii on .
It was the bestest thing in Wheaton!! Square coopers.. double cheese burgers... mal
It was the bestest thing in Wheaton!! Square coopers.. double cheese burgers... malted milk shakes!! LOVED IT!! Sad it is gone :(
Rating: 4.5
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by flying9095 from wheaton, il. on .
In the mid to late 70s, I ate there daily. I miss it so much. Double steakbur
In the mid to late 70s, I ate there daily. I miss it so much. Double steakburger was the best!
Rating: 4.5
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by setsail from winfield, il on .
This was a great place to eat as a teen in the 80's I went there every weekend afte
This was a great place to eat as a teen in the 80's I went there every weekend after seeing a movie at the wheaton theater...I was sad to see it gone when I went back to visit. there will always be fond memories of my younger days :)
Rating: 4.5
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by scottie from Elmhurst,IL on .
It was a part of history
It was a part of history. Progress sucks.
Rating: 3
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by Pookie from Wheaton, IL on .
This is no longer a Cock Robin Ice Cream. It's “Shane's
This is no longer a Cock Robin Ice Cream. It's “Shane's Deli” now.
Rating: 3
Cock Robin Ice Cream - reviewed by mseng_arcs from Wheaton, Il on .
I miss the original store their ice cream and fast food, when young I grew up on th
I miss the original store their ice cream and fast food, when young I grew up on their plain single burgres. Wish I had one (several) right now.
Rating: 3