a:10:{s:3:"url";s:59:"http://www.eatinwheaton.com/restaurant/Wheaton-IL/El-Zarape";s:4:"name";N;s:9:"reviewers";a:1:{i:185967;i:1304022225;}s:11:"starRatings";a:2:{i:185967;i:1304022225;s:9:"9C3X283EJ";i:1306589362;}s:7:"ratings";a:4:{s:3:"agg";s:11:" agg val: 2";s:4:"food";i:3;s:10:"atmosphere";d:1.5;s:7:"service";d:1.5;}s:6:"voters";a:4:{s:3:"agg";i:4;s:4:"food";i:2;s:10:"atmosphere";i:1;s:7:"service";i:1;}s:10:"starParams";s:22:"2;6;11;whole;half;half";s:10:"vanityName";N;s:17:"phrase_submitters";a:6:{s:9:"T5CD8DTD6";i:1307819322;s:9:"KC16J2JK5";i:1311370455;s:9:"GYPNGUMYM";i:1313333398;s:9:"BWYMYDTSV";i:1320533513;s:9:"RHM971P4R";i:1328576485;s:9:"Y7YHL9HPY";i:1391291220;}s:8:"rvwrHTML";s:1145:"
4 ratings for El Zarape
Average rating of 2 stars (out of 5 possible)
El Zarape - reviewed by 78london from Wheaton IL on .
We have been going here for a while but lately they have made changes in prices and
We have been going here for a while but lately they have made changes in prices and recipes. The chicken is not as tasty as it used to be. The mild sauce with the tortilla chips used to be awesome and now it tastes like tomato soup! Also, forget if you want to get one taco or two ( a la carte) you a… Read more
Rating: 2