a:10:{s:3:"url";s:66:"http://www.eatinwheaton.com/restaurant/Wheaton-IL/Nancy's-Pizzeria";s:4:"name";N;s:9:"reviewers";a:1:{i:38425;i:1304022227;}s:11:"starRatings";a:1:{i:38425;i:1304022227;}s:7:"ratings";a:4:{s:3:"agg";s:11:" agg val: 3";s:4:"food";i:3;s:10:"atmosphere";i:3;s:7:"service";i:3;}s:6:"voters";a:4:{s:3:"agg";i:3;s:4:"food";i:1;s:10:"atmosphere";i:1;s:7:"service";i:1;}s:10:"starParams";s:24:"2;7;12;whole;whole;whole";s:8:"rvwrHTML";s:1050:"
Nancy’s Pizzeria - reviewed by Rusty Shackleford from Wheaton, IL on .
I saw the sign up for famous stuffed crust pizza. I do not agree. I may be biased
I saw the sign up for famous stuffed crust pizza. I do not agree. I may be biased against stuffed crust pizza, I feel it is a trick the people of Chicago have pulled on tourists. Real Chicago pizza has a crispy thin crust. The thin crust at Nancy's was not very crispy and the stuffed was as doug… Read more
Rating: 3